
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Let Down

So after nearly 2 years of waiting to testify against the horrible person who raped and tortured my daughter, he was let go.  My daughter could not be found so they dropped the charges.  It worries me and breaks my heart because he will go back onto the same streets my daughter is living on and she is in danger.  I did everything I could to protector but in the end there wasn't anything I could do.  My heart breaks and now I must start moving on.

Seed Full Moon

The Seed Full Moon is a time for planting first crops, especially corn.  It is when you start to make things happen and the energy to start to create.  Seeds will be planted and creation will happen.  The seeds will start to sprout from this energy.  This is a good time in your personal life to really dig your heels in and start those projects you intended to start this year.  Today especially the energy is very powerful towards creativity and initiating the beginning of what you start.  The day was so beautiful.  I went to therapy and am feeling much better about moving forward in my life.  No longer having a trial hanging over me, I feel like I can move on and move forward in my life.

Ostara - Spring Equinox - First Day of Spring

Today, March 20th, is the first day of SPRING!!!! This is what is happening to my seeds of intent: 1.  Continue to get healthier and try to get all blood tests into the normal range. I am walking and have joined several "virtual races" to keep me motivated. 2.  To increase my speaking and work towards becoming a speaker. Still working on that 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. I found an awesome type of therapy called Wisdom Path Parenting and I love how it connects my spirituality with parenting. 4.  Start figuring out how to move from Sacramento. I applied for my license in Oregon.  I am putting my practice online so I am more mobile. I am motivated to keep actively working and creating the picture of my future - I have good days and bad days but the good is outweighing the bad.

Never ending on call....

So Monday the DA in Bakersfield told me that they are trying to get a courtroom so they try next on Thursday.  I feel like this is never ending.  I had to wait through November and December last year and then they decided to dismiss and refile because it had gone on so long and then we had to start all of the beginning stuff again. Hopefully this time it will happen in the next few weeks and this chapter of my life can be over with.  Going on 2 years is a long time.

Moments that are the reason...

Today, I did a home therapy session with a family that was sort of like mine.  At the end of the session the mother gave me a hug and told me how much it means to her that she has me as a therapist.  Moments like these are the reason I decided to use my life challenges to help others.  I love being a therapist.

Hurry up and wait....

So today the trial got delayed another week because the Defense is in another trial.  My daughter did not show up and I am so worried that she will get herself in more trouble by not following through.  On the plus side this weekend and today I made headway converting my client files into a system that will be easier to use.  Progress - looking forward to getting that all completed.

So nervous...

Tomorrow we will find out if my daughter is going to follow through with testifying.  Hopefully she will contact the DA and move forward.  I would get to see her if that is the case.  I just all of this over with but I want it over with by him going to prison so he won't hurt anyone anymore.


So it looks like my daughter is not going to cooperate with the DA and testify on the case when Michael Lenoir tortured her.  I am so frustrated, he may just be let go.  Monday the DA will see if she hears from my daughter and then decide to see if they can put forward a plea deal. It would be such a disappointing ending for this drawn out drama to just let him go.  I still hope my daughter will testify.  I hope there is something we can do otherwise he will be out and able to do this again.