Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I got up and started working on the dinner table - but I ran out of sand paper with more to go.  I have too much to do today so i decide tomorrow will be the day I go and get more sanding supplies.

The first changes to the house start to happen.  I keep trying the internet - pretty good - a few hang ups - I remove a bit more cable that wasn't being used - maybe a bit better now.  A change in how the closet is setup - started building the new closet in the garage.

I was in so much pain by noon I really couldn't do anything else.  My back and body hurt and my hands were shaking.  I didn't get the things done I thought I would but I did manage a small shopping trip.

We had spaghetti and I just basically went to bed - I wish my body worked better than it does.


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