Saturday, July 23, 2011

My son needed a few more things for camping.  So we left early and headed to REI - we got what we were looking for - a Sierra cup.  No flannel shirt though.  Then we went to WorkWorld - again no flannel shirt.  Then we stopped at PetSmart because our bird needed some treats - and then off to Walmart - got a couple of things but still no flannel shirt. 

We came home - I told my hubby where we had gone.  We watched Donnie Darko - and discussed it.  Then my hubby and son went off to another sporting goods place and they were able to get flannel shirts.  They came back and we agreed on Throw Mama from the Train for a silly movie before bed. 

We sat and talked and finally we all went to bed - I am taking my son early tomorrow AM to the meeting place for the Scouts.


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