Friday, July 22, 2011

I got up and immediately started cleaning and organizing the bedroom - I got everything set so that the furniture could be moved and such when the cable guy comes over.  He got here just after 10:30 - he asked how many tvs I had and I told him 1 - he said we were losing signal like crazy and it looked like we had 3 more tvs than we had.  He was able to find several more hidden Ts and agreed to remove ALL cable in the house - walls - ceiling and so forth - finally someone who is helpful.

Even though my son's appointment was at 1:30 - the cable guy got done at 1:45pm and then we got to the appointment by 2pm.  The appointment went well - no psych meds at this time - then we went to Sports Authority and Big 5 to get camping and hiking gear - we got most of everything still a bit more to go.

I came home and tried to clean up the house before I crashed.  My hubby brought home pizza and we watched Nowhere boy which was really good.  My hubby took a call from his friend who was obviously going through a bad moment and my son and I cleaned up dinner and got things going.  I told my son I would take him shopping again in the AM to see if we could get the rest of the stuff.


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