Friday, July 1, 2011

Another day at work.  Dragged myself in - very tired.  Not too busy just hard to find the effort.  I am nervous for my remaining co-workers - I do a lot of back end work - and suggest directions for them to go when they are unsure - who will fill my shoes - it is not that they are big shoes to fill - just a different way at looking at things that seems to help the group a lot.

I left a little early so I could beat my mom and son home or at least be there when they got there.  I bought fireworks on the way and then got home.  Enough time for me to start some laundry and prep dishes and finish cleaning up the house.

My mom and son got there.  We had a nice chat - my mom kept getting cold because I leave the house AC on pretty cool.  My son actually pulled out his guitar and sang a bit to us.  My hubby got home and BBQed hamburgers and we all ate and relaxed while talking.  It was nice to have dinner with my mom and show off our house.  After my mom left we settled down and headed for bed.


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