Friday, July 29, 2011

I got up early - checked my email AND checked to make sure my paycheck came in - it did.
I started stressing about the therapy session but just before I left at least something fun happened - I got my iphone for work.  I started it's registration and upgrade and headed out to see my daughter.

I called my mother on my way just to distract my stress.  I got to the therapist and my daughter refused to even acknowledge me.  Anyway I sat and talked with the therapist and cried a bit.  I showed her the letter my daughter's dad sent and we agreed it would be hard for her but she really needs to read it.

The therapist did say she was going to send a letter to the social worker letting her know that while my daughter is making progress there is no way my daughter is going to be healthy enough to return home next July - thereby setting the ground work NOW for the extension.  The therapist also thinks I am a good parent so that makes me feel ok.

Finally my daughter came in we let her read her dad's letter - tears streaked down her face and then she left - she did come back 5 minutes later.  We talked and I told her how proud I was that she had made it as long as she had without a major blow out and tried to be really positive.  She probably won't be on grey level very long and we will quickly try to arrange another visit with her dad.

I drove back - got home and finished setting up the iphone to distract myself.  I was emotionally spent.  Then as my hubby and I were watching tv - my son called they are coming back a day early because they hiked so fast - he will be home in a couple of hours.  About another hour and a half later - around 10pm - my son called and he was ready to be picked up.  I picked him up.

He has a couple of pretty bad blisters on the bottom of his feet but otherwise doing really well.  He was the only one that hiked to every little part he could.  He had hiked Mt. Lassen and really enjoyed it.  I am so proud of him - he did really good.

My son went to bed - very tired.
I went to bed with my hubby - he helped relax me and let down my guard - I cried for awhile - I hope I can be ok for the time my son is around.


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