Sunday, july 24, 2011

So I got up early - my son dawdled and would have been running really late but they changed the meeting place and the location to later and closer.  We got there before anyone else.  I said goodbye and went home.  It is a pretty big step for my son.  This is the first hiking trip and first camping trip that is really camping - and his first time camping with just friends and not family.  I hope he does ok - he is growing up so fast - it is so strange to have him doing so much on his own.  It is good for him and I am proud of him but it has been a rapid change from a child who cries at night and needs to be held and in just over a year him looking forward to spending a week on a hiking camping trip.

I went to bed and slept another couple hours and then got up and did a few more things around the house.  Got my hubby up and asked him if he wanted to eat - he made Mac and Cheese and we enjoyed that.  We chatted and played computer stuff for awhile - he hadn't slept well so he went back to bed.  I cleaned the house some more and watched Ice Road Truckers - he got up and we watched a bit more of that and then chatted and got to spend some much needed us time.


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