Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another day - I really didn't do anything today - I got up with my hubby - read and watched tv.  I have fallen into a bit of depression.  I am anxious to know when my new job will start - anxious to know if I can do the training without having to travel to TX - anxious that I might not be able to mentally and emotionally be able to handle working from home without seeing other people during the day.  I am frustrated that we seem to be going backwards with my daughter and just tired of this roller-coaster of a life with my daughter.

Hubby came home and held me a long time.  He knew I was struggling - the pain is great - I am depressed and anxious and he did what he could to cheer me up.  I am really nervous and my stomach is knotted about the therapy tomorrow.  How am I going to tell her how much I love her and tell her she can do it and she did better this time - when I am so flippin' mad at her.  Argghh - parenting her is so hard.  My son should be back on Saturday evening -  I hope I can start turning it around by the time he gets back - I would like to spend some fun time with him.


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