Friday, July 15, 2011

On my way to work - I stopped and got donuts - the last time I probably will be able to give something to my friends at work.

Work was bitter sweet - I answered the phones just cuz - and then it was our lunch out.  It was sad with lots of long faces and tears being held back.  I really liked working there - the only place I have ever really liked working.  Then I came back and finished up.  Turned in my badge and my co-worker walked me out.  And then I left with a heavy heart - just over 4 years - lots of friends and co-workers that I enjoyed - lots of laughs and now I drive away for the last time.

I came home and flopped into bed  - emotionally and physically spent.  I have no idea what lies ahead except to know it is pizza and movie tonight and tomorrow my niece's bday party.

So we had pizza and watched Megamind which was way better than we thought it would be and it definitely gave us some well needed laughs.  The week is ending better than it started - I do have a job - but it is unknown what exactly or when exactly I will be doing it - my hubby still has his and with a pay increase and my son is feeling better by the minute and having a very busy summer - an end to one era and a beginning to a new one I guess you can say.

Off to bed - we have an early day - the party is at 10:30am but we are 3 hours away.


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