Wednesday, Augsut 24, 2011

I got up and went to work (I still so like that I just groggily wander out to the kitchen table with my stuff to start my day).  Today I was kept busier - I did 31 calls.  I am defiantly feeling more comfortable about things.  I have some techs that I already "know" and so we are able to joke around a bit.  I am actually starting to enjoy this new job.
After I got off work, my son came home.  He and I started going over what could be done next on his room.  He decided to tackle his toy box.  There was some sadness and memories - but I kept a stiff upper lip so I did not get him emotional.  I am so proud of him - for such a long time he would not get rid of anything.  He would insist everything had a sentimental value including happy meal toys.  But he plodded along and finally just before my hubby got home he was able to finish the toy box.

Hubby BBQed hamburgers and we chatted and laughed.  We decided on a game of Yahtzee and enjoyed playing.  I won but my hubby was a close 2nd and my son was last  his hindrance was not getting a Yahtzee or a few of the harder ones to get.  But it was fun.  I am enjoying being able to sit around the table and enjoy a good game.  While my heart still wants my daughter to want to come home and to get better, I am so enjoying this time without being on eggshells.  She did call today.  She made a comment about wanting to visit soon and then I asked her about whether she decided she wanted to work towards coming home and she wouldn't answer.  The good news is she made it to Full Orange for the first time (which means she had to admit she was "mistaken" about all of those other times. - she never admit she lies).  But Full Orange is like level 2  she got there around December 17, 2010 and yet she only just made it to level 2.

The levels go like this:
Grey (safety level - when you have been unsafe you get put here) level 0
Daily Orange - (daily levels mean you are barely making the cut for that level  on and off again - you get moved up to full level when you are consistently making the daily requirements) level 1
Full Orange - level 2
Daily Purple - level 3
Full Purple - level 4
Daily Silver - level 5
Full Silver - level 6
Daily Gold - level 7
Full Gold - level 8
Daily Platinum - level 9
Full Platinum - level 10 - Graduation

Hopefully at one point she will really make the decision to take control of her life and work to come home.

After the game we went to our rooms to rest.  My hubby talked to his friend - I took a shower and went to bed.  It was so sweet - after he got off the phone - my hubby climbed into bed and told me how sweet it was that I didn't mind him chatting with his friend and I am such a caring person.  So nice to hear.


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