Friday, August 19, 2011

I got up and "went" to work.  As usual something about my accounts weren't working right.  I wasn't getting any calls even when I should have.  So my boss contacted an engineer and after about an hour fooling around with things we were able to get me in the queue and start taking calls.  At lunch time I took my son to his friend's house so he could leave for his camping trip.  When I got back home and grabbed my Subway sandwich I noticed it was my son's and he had mine.  I finally got a hold of the friend's parent who told me he was on the way back right now to switch sandwiches.  I am glad he realized it before he left.  I actually took some calls - still struggling to keep up but I know I will get better as time goes on.  As soon as I was off work and shutting down my computer... my son called again - this time he forgot his permission slip.  LOL this is a boyscout camp - you would think he would be prepared.

I signed the slip and drove it over to where he was.  I headed home and wrote a friend via email for awhile.  Then I decided to do something really nice for myself and did a face mask and took a nice long shower.  I so often don't get to relax in the shower - but i treated myself to it.

Hubby came home with pizza and we watched some bull riding before his friend called.  We all were laughing and also helping her with her grief.  I read some more.  Just a nice evening.


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