Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I got up this AM and the first that I had to deal with at work - for just over 2 hours was the site that was flooding us with alarms - at one point there were over 500 alarms in 10 min.  After that though it calmed down and I was able to just take calls and handle the occasional alarm.

As I was getting off of work  - my son left for a friend's house.  I chatted with my mom and discussed music with a friend - when my hubby got off work I checked in with my son and he was staying at his friends for dinner so hubby and I had enchildas from our favorite place.  We relaxed and then he talked to our friend and I did some work on the computer.  I checked in with my son and he is going to spend the night at his friend's house.  Just as long as he comes back tomorrow and starts really working on cleaning his room.

  Then it was bedtime.


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