Thursday, August 11, 2011

I got up and emailed my boss first thing to let him know what else I needed to be able to do the job.  He also let me know of another program I would need.  I downloaded (it took a couple of hours) one program and installed it.  Then he got someone to get me to connect to the Iris server and get that installed.  Cool now between PeopleSoft and Iris I can mostly do the start of my new job.

Now I had someone use webex to control my computer and install soft phone - it is clunky for me and I am still having a hard time - but I will get there.  By the end of the work day I had everything I needed to work my first full day tomorrow!  YEA!!  Progress.

Then I moped around - still having issues from my talk with my daughter yesterday and still on the verge of tears.  I hate this.  I want to feel good about things.  Oh well. 

I went and got my finger nails, toenails and eyebrows done.  I then went to the store and got stuff for mac and cheese.  I went home and vegged - using the excuse to myself that I didn't want to accidently mess up my nails.

When hubby called I told him I had mac and cheese stuff.  He was good with that.  We had that and again I was just moping around and tired.

I hope tomorrow will be better.


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