Monday, August 22, 2011

I woke up about 10 min earlier then intended - I was really anxious about work.  So I got up and logged in and started checking things.  I was doing the best I could - the lady who started training me came back from vacation and she told me a simple statement that really calmed me down - "You can only answer one call at a time"  This is so cool - my other jobs I always answered multiple lines and often remote sessions - this will be less stressful.  That really calmed me down.  I answered about 19 calls today - I am getting better - at the end of the day though one site started flooding us with alarms - like 500 in 30 min.  I stayed late to kind of clean up as much as I could - they said it was going to go on all night and a tech would work on it in the AM.

After I got done there - I did some house work and went grocery shopping.  Got everything caught up but barely started dinner cooking when my hubby got home - he took over cooking.  Then we all ate and relaxed and talked about school and plans for the future.  I then went into my room and wrote a friend a long email and then read a little bit and finally headed to bed.


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