The smallest things can mean so much

Today I was talking to my mom and I had to hold back tears as I expressed the wonderful thing my hubby got me for my birthday. 

Rewind to a few years ago.  I had gone grocery shopping and picked up goat cheese (anyone who knows me knows I love cheese).  My my maternal grandfather had introduced me to goat cheese and it was something that I shared his love of.  He would slice it up and put it on toast or crackers for me and then we would sit and talk.  It is a memory that is very dear to me.  Well when I got home from buying the goat cheese and put some on a cracker, I found it didn't taste or look like I remembered.  My hubby walked in and he asked why I looked disappointed.  I told him that it wasn't the same as I remembered.  We talked and when I expressed what I remembered the cheese being like he seemed to understand and said there is a Scandinavian goat cheese that he knows of that seemed more like the one I remembered.  This made sense as my grandfather was Norwegian.

So on my birthday, my hubby came home with our dinner and he told me to close my eyes.  In my hands he put a cool cube then he said to open my eyes.
I opened them and saw immediately that this was the cheese I remembered.  The next day when I sat down for a nice snack and had this cheese it did take me back to those wonderful afternoons with my grandfather.  A simple thing my hubby remembered about me talking about my past, and he bought it and it meant so much to me.

A while after my conversation with my mom and retelling of the awesome gift he gave me, my hubby texted me a simple text "Madly in love with you!!!"
It just means so much that he is thinking about me during the day.

Each of these things did not cost much, but meant the world to me.  They meant so much more than a piece of jewelry or flowers or even a box of chocolates - just the simple act of showing he listens and cares.

So take a moment and do something thoughtful for someone you care about.  A phone call, a text, an email or something that lets them know you listen and think about them - it can really make someone's day and keep your relationship strong.


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