A time of transformation

During this time of year transformations come easier as it is the way of nature.  I have been taking this time to start with transforming my internal dialog.  I am trying to replace negative and unhealthy self-talk with positive and healthier self-talk.  I am making changes to my life from the inside out.

I am seeing the results.  I am willing to ask for help.  For example when I was told by the foster care system my daughter did not qualify for MediCaid, I contacted her AAP Social Worker and asked if she had any ideas and she pushed her agency and through AAP my daughter now has MediCaid - which is really helpful because without it, her dental work would have cost our family over $1100 even going through our private insurance. 

I am feeling more confident.  Yesterday I had an interview and I feel like I am getting a lot better because I have confidence.  I also felt confident enough to contact the person I interviewed with December 27th and to check on the status and that lead to me moving forward on possibly starting to work with him.

I am not procrastinating because I do not feel as afraid of the unknown.  When asked to show liability coverage, instead of just sending an email saying I did not have it yet and once I know I need it I will get it, I went ahead and got it because I am feeling more confident that I will be working as a therapist soon.

Everyday I am taking time for me like exercising.  I am transforming my idea of me - I am important and worthy of taking time and effort for me.  Before I used to put everyone else first which often caused everyone else to get a less happier, healthier and peaceful me.  Now I am putting myself first so everyone gets a better me. 

Transformation is hard but I am starting to reap the rewards.


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