Snow Full Moon

Full Snow Moon is the 2nd full moon after Yule.  This moon is called snow moon or ice moon or storm moon or famine moon.  Normally sometime in February this moon is a bit early this year because of the timing of the lunar calendar.  Since the first full moon after Yule came right after Yule, everything is nearly a month ahead.

This time of year is a time a hunger, coldness and introspection.  In my personal life right now this fits.  This winter has been colder than usual.  Also financially we have been starting to scrape the bottom of the pot.

On the plus side, this is just before the weather starts warming and spring starts coming and thing start happening.  That is also what is slowly happening with my life.  I have a new job which will be building my practice as a therapist.  So the potential is starting, it will be slow, like the thawing snow and the warming temperatures, but if I focus I will be able to get it come to fruition.


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