My Quest for Peace - Day 25

Negative things that run through my mind on a daily basis:
I am not getting enough done.
I should do more.
I am not earning my keep.
I am not a good enough mother.
I need to lose weight - I am too fat.
My health is poor.
I have no self-control.
Everyone sees how lazy I am.
I am not smart enough,
There must me something wrong with me for not easily getting a job.
My mom is right, I am always making mistakes and just don't make the right choices.

I am writing these things down in order to let them go for the day.

Today I worked hard to just let those negative thoughts and feelings stay on this blog.  I did a pretty good job.  I relaxed and tried to enjoy things today as I had a fever.  I kept reminding myself that I am a better person if I take care of myself and I am worth taking care of.

I felt pretty peaceful and positive today and when my hubby came home he confirmed that I made the right choices.


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