My Quest for Peace - Day 59

Today's lesson on victimization is actually a reminder as I have accomplished most of this 6 years ago when I realized that I am the one in control of my life and when I blame someone else, I am choosing to be the victim.  This is why I went back to school after realizing that in reality if I hadn't been paralyzed with fear of the unknown and failure I would not have blamed anyone else and I would have gone back to school if I had wanted to.  It was easier to blame someone and say that was why I wasn't challenging myself.  Since I changed my belief of being a victim, I have gotten my BA and my MA and started my new career.

I am no longer angry at anyone, I have forgiven all who have wronged me and it feels so freeing.
I am happy about where I am in life and regret nothing for I am happy that I am who I am where I am so to regret anything would mean I would want to change who I am.


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