My Quest for Peace - Day 33

Today I worked on my awareness.  I thought about my body, my emotions, my thoughts, I tried to be aware of those around me and of myself.  I walked over 5K today and tried to be in the moment, feel how my breathing was, how the music made me feel, how during the walk there seemed to be something I had to push through.  At first I was stiff and I as I walked I found that eventually the stiffness went away.  Then I found certain muscles ached but then I found that as I walked through it, the muscles felt better.  I found at times that I couldn't catch my breath but with awareness and focus I was able to slow it down and breathe more deeply.

During the day when I felt stiff or cramped, I would get up and walk around.  I was aware of my hubby and how he seemed to be feeling and noticed his actions and reactions to things I said. 

I also noticed at times when I would slip into negative thinking - luckily it was not very often and then I would change those thoughts.  I find myself more at peace when I am aware of what is in my present because then I am not stuck on thoughts of the past.


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