
Now it is the time of year when we actually start working on our intentions - we plant the seeds - we start actively spending energy to make our seeds of intent grow.

This year is amazing to me - I am so energized.
Today I got the keys to my office so I can star being a therapist.
So let's see how I am coming along with each of my intents.

1.  To become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
I have been walking a lot  - 22 walks - 30.3 miles - 9:43 hours of walking since the beginning of the calendar year.  I have also signed up for a 5K in April.  I am eating healthier and I am taking better care of myself emotionally.

2.  To focus on helping my son into adulthood and being present with him and understanding of his limitations and abilities.
I have been working with my son on time management and he was able to raise his grades - 2 As, 3 Bs and 1 C!  I am positive and supportive and try to help him understand his options.

3.  To find a way to become a therapist in the direction in which the Goddess leads me.
Well interestingly enough while following the path of the Goddess and choosing not to celebrate Christmas but instead Yule - allowed me to offer my envelope stuffing services during the holidays when no one else at our nonprofit would have been able to do it.  Because I was open and honest that I could only do labor and had no money due to unemployment , I got an email from our president of our organization letting me know he might have a job - I interviewed and got the job and today I got the keys.  Being who I was and following what I felt compelled to do seemed to have gotten me this job.

4.  Continue to let go of the past and learn to live in the present and not to spend too much time obsessing about the future.
I struggle with the obsessing about the future but I am really learning to let go of the past and allow myself to really be the person I want to be.  I am focusing on enjoying my walks and the little things.

I feel more energized than I ever have and feel so good physically, mentally and emotionally.  I look forward to see what this year holds for me.

And here is a lovely song about Imbolc.


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