Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I got up and went to work.  I called my son on my way to make sure he was up.
I took some more calls.  I still knew very few of the answers without help.  I just feel plain helpless.
Blah!  I am doing my best - I wonder if it will be good enough.

I got off work and went home.  Vegged out.  My hubby brought home dinner and we all watched some TV.  Not much of a day.  I am still tired and sick.  NyQuiling myself to sleep and hoping for a better day.

I did talk to my daughter today - it looks like we will have her on Saturday if she continues to do well.  We think we will take her to a pumpkin farm in Wheatville - it should be fun and distracting to start our visits out of the right foot I hope.


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