Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I got up totally unrested and anxious and went to work.  Back to watching videos all day.  I did get to sit in on a couple of call by the guy training me.  Kind of scary since all of the jargon they are throwing around is so foreign to me.  I at least like listening to the guys banter around they seem really nice.

I am also helping label and put stamps on envelopes - at least something I feel like I am helpful with.
I know somehow I will start to understand all of this but for now I feel so overwhelmed I cannot even imagine that all of this will be routine someday.

I got off work and called my son right away to remind him to be ready for me to take him to choir.  I am now checking in with my mom on my way home now but they are usually about to have dinner or having dinner so the timing isn't working as much as I want it to be - but I am talking to her more often than when I was unemployed or working from home.

I rushed home, picked up my son and rushed to drop him off at choir.  Then I went home.  My hubby got home and we talked.  I am just sooo tired and overwhelmed, I can barely keep myself together.  He found ways of making me laugh which I appreciated and he ran out and picked up my son and dinner on the way home.  We ate.  We watched a bit of tv and I read for a little bit and then went to bed.  Today I did not struggle as much as I had as the drugs made me sooo tired.


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