Thursday, October 13, 2011

I got up and went to work.  I continued to sit in on calls and installations.  I am understanding a few more things but still it is so overwhelming.  The day went fast.  I learned about another product that only a few of the techs have worked with.  I ran through some installations on my own computer.

I headed home from work.  Chatted with my mom.  When I got home I checked my son's grades and saw that my son HAD NOT been turning in homework for Math and he had been lying to me.  I told him he was grounded from the homecoming activities tomorrow.  He would be allowed to go to the dance but otherwise he was grounded while he did his missing homework. 

I let my son's dad know and then I emailed an old teach of mine and let her know how much she had helped me.  Dealing with my son's homework and school work made me remember how hard certain teachers pushed me and how much that helped me doing my Master's degree so many years later.  I went to bed frustrated.  My son has been lying to me and not doing homework.  I have a job that will keep me away more in the afternoons and I am worried he will bomb out in school.  I just wish I knew how to get through to him.


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