Saturday, October 8, 2011

My son spent the night at a friend's house and won't be home until he is ready to go to roller skating this evening at our rink that just reopned.  Hubby and I relaxed quite a bit.  I did a lot of emailing trying to find a place to stay in February for his surgery.  A lady called and she offered us to rent her whole house except her master bedroom.  It has a pool and a hot tub.  She sent pictures and it seems perfect.  She will give me more information in the next day or two so I can send a rental application.

My son came home and rested for a bit and then I drove him to the rink.  Hubby and I just enjoyed the quiet.  I did some reading.  He called when he was ready to be picked up.  He could barely walk because he got such a big blister, but he said he had fun.

We all went to bed not long after that.
I started having problems sleeping.  I am getting so nervous about starting a new job.  I hate starting over again but I just keep trying to look on the positive side - I have a JOB!


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