Sunday, October 16, 2011 - MY GRADUATION DAY!!!!

YEA!  So my graduation day!  I got up nervous and excited and anxious.  I was bouncing around and acting really weird but what can I say I am graduating today!!!!  We left later than planned but my hubby drove and somehow arrived in time.  Not sure what the guys did during the next few hours but I stood around - nibbled a little on food - caught up with my friends and got ready.  We had to take photos.  Between my nerves, standing, climbing stairs and walking up and down ramps my legs were starting to give out but I had awesome friends that were so sweet by walking arm in arm with me part of the way making it look like we were just solid friends joined together in fun.  We sat and listened to an amazing speech.  That our lives can be lived by taking a mom's advice - 1.  Becareful (think before you do something) 2.  Call me when you get there (keep in contact with friends and family - they can be a great support) 3.  Always wear clean underwear (don't air your dirty laundry in public).  Then I got to go up and have my hood put on and then get my diploma.  It was so exciting and I was so happy.

There was a huge mob trying to get out - so many people squished down the stairs.  My legs were so tired and the stairs scared me.  I made it down but could barely walk to the car.  My hubby took off my shoes when we got to the car and I rested on our way to SF.  We arrived and walked to the Rainforest Cafe.
We got in and had a wonderful meal.  It was so nice to be with my family.

Then we headed home.  I was tired but really happy.  What a wonderful day!
We watched a little tv and then I went to bed.  I am nervous because I am supposed to start on the phones tomorrow and I really still don't understand anything.


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