Friday, October 7, 2011

I got up and made sure my son got off to school.  I checked my email and responded to a few and then got back in bed and cuddled with my hubby.  I feel so much lighter - I don't feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.  My hubby and I got up and we got ready and left.  He drove to SF.  It was a nice drive and we enjoyed our conversation with each other.  We got to his doctor's office and I sat and read.  He was out in a reasonable time - I really didn't notice the time because I was enjoying my book so much.  Then he decided to check in with his other doctor.  At that time I got a call from my son's best friend's dad about scouting stuff and that gave me a chance to ask if my son would be able to stay with him for 2 weeks for my hubby's surgery.  He said no problem.  AWESOME!

I walked into the dr office and only had to sit for a couple of minutes.  My hubby was done.  As we walked out of the office we saw the Blue Angels doing different formations.  It was really cool.  We got into the car and I told my hubby we could go anywhere he thought would be good for lunch.  We went to the sausage factory and it was wonderful food.  We had such a nice lunch.  It has been so long since we had been able to go out on the town together.

We headed back home - he drove - everything was so nice and despite a bit of traffic here and there it was a pretty good drive.  We got home.  I checked my email and then since we had no kids for the night we watched a couple of movies, ate ice-cream and went to bed.  What a wonderful day - I so needed that!


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