Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today was a wonderful day.  I feel like I got so much accomplished.  First when I came into work, I had an email from my husband's best friend (ex-girlfriend) and we started emailing back and forth.  She has offered to help me help my hubby deal with some issues - she has better ways of being able to help him so that was great!  Work was slow.  After I got off work I mailed my brother's bday package.  Then I went home.  Since it was a cool and rainy day, I was able to really work in the garage and I got it mostly clean.  Yes I need to organize it and keep going through each of the boxes but as you can see from the before and after photos, I got the floor cleaned up and now the workout equipment can be setup.  The quality of the photos is poor but it gives a general idea.  Then I took a shower and felt so drained so I took a nap.  I woke up when hubby called and he came home and made dinner.  We ate and laughed - he was impressed with the garage and then I went to relax in the bedroom.  By 9:30pm I was tired and went to bed.






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