Monday, May 16, 2011

I went out to my car this morning and tried to unlock it (I always have to unlock the passenger's side because the driver's side lock is broken and the sliding door's lock doesn't work either) and now the passenger's lock no longer works - it felt like someone tried to break into it but since it is dark out I could not tell.  I then unlocked the back and unlocked the rest of the doors from there.  I headed to work.  It was a pretty good day at work - I got a lot done and am keeping my stuff pretty caught up.  I got a text from my hubby that he is hating his job\boss because now they are complaining about the overtime - they always seem to complain about something.

I headed home and talked to my mom for a bit and then picked my son up from school - school was out but he had a headache and didn't feel like walking home.  I got home, wrote a list of stuff for grocery shopping including our propane tank and went shopping.

I replaced the propane tank, got groceries including corn on the cob and artichokes - YUM!  I came home and my son helped me unload and then he took a nap to deal with his headache.  I had started a load of laundry before I left - so I started a 2nd load of laundry - quickly put the food away and prepped a load of dishes.  I started the dishes and then put the laundry away.  I cleaned the master bathroom and started cleaning the living room when my hubby came home.

He made the hamburgers and I made the corn on the cob - they both turned out good.  Then I got a call from one of my previous clients - sadly her foster daughter got too violent to stay with her and she was calling to let me know that the foster daughter had been taken to a shelter.  I am sad that it did not last and what this means for both of them.  On a positive note though, I do know that while I was doing therapy with the family, I was making progress and that my belief that you must work WITH the family and not in an office for 50 minutes a week to help these families is right on target.  I let the foster mom know she did everything she could and she is an amazing person.

I talked with hubby about it for a few - then reminded my son he is supposed to be reading his book and hubby and I watched bull riding for a bit before I took my shower and went to bed. 


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