Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I was so nervous about going to see this doctor.  My experience with doctors has been up and down.  My last several primary doctors have been rude and do not listen to me.  I want to be part of my health care team - my other doctors get that (endocrinologist, neurologist etc.).  My last one insisted that getting gastric bypass would solve all of my problems.  Even though I told him it would not and I had been extensively tested for that he would tell me every problem I had - was my weight - my allergies, my sinus migraines and would not treat me with respect.  Then I went and saw an obgyn for my pap last year and she literally made me walk out crying which is pretty hard to do.  She was completely shocked that I was married recently as she made a comment that most women let themselves go after many years of marriage and that my weight was just because I didn't care.

So needless to say I was scared.  The past several years I have been letting my health go a bit while I focused on work, school and family.  I was afraid of what I might find out.  Well I went in and the nurse was really nice and when she tried to take my blood pressure with the machine and it said this really high number she said - now I see why you have it manually taken in the chart.  She took my blood pressure and it was pretty good 130/90.  Then when the doctor came in - he and I talked and he was really cool and said that at least I was able to maintain my weight pretty well so that maybe adding in a bit more exercise now that I had time and change one eating habit slowly that I should shoot for a goal of 10 lbs off by the end of the year.  My kind of doctor.  He ordered up labs and when I asked him about a referral to a dermatologist, he told me to wait there and he would get one.  The dermatologist came in and he asked about what was bothering me and I told him I self-diagnosed myself with Rosacea because my hubby has a serious case and I think I have a mild case.  He said mine was pretty severe and then had my primary prescribe meds for that.

So after that I went to get my labs done - and found I could not pee in the cup (ok I am 4'11" why are handicapped toilets the only ones now and they are too dang high - my feet don't even touch the ground and what acrobatics one needs to pee into a cup are impossible for me to do) - so after talking to a not very pleasant woman another one piped up that I could take a cup home and bring it back before 5:30pm - so I did.  They got my blood with only one stick which is impressive.

Then I called my mom to hear about her trip and ate lunch, peed into the cup - took it back to the lab, got my meds and then went to get fingerprinted for my MFT license requirements.

On my way home I saw my son and gave him a ride - then we chatted for a bit and I took him to choir.  I came home and then hubby and I talked for awhile before he picked up dinner and my son from choir.  We ate and relaxed for a little bit and then went to bed.  The bed is still not  soft so I can pack up the old air chamber tomorrow.  I hope to work more on paperwork tomorrow and organizing and filing.


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