Saturday, May 14, 2011

I woke up Saturday AM and caught up with my blogging since Blogger had been in read only mode for a few days.  I ate a little something and then headed out to get my nails (toes and fingers) done.  My body had been stiff and hurting terribly - I had hoped the massage chair at the salon would help.  Well it did a little but I was still struggling.  I came home and both of the books I had ordered (my son's tom sawyer and huckleberry fin book and my graphic novel) came.  I chatted with the guys for a bit then told my son to focus on reading (he he - I look like a concerned mom and yet all *I* wanted to do was read my graphic novel so if I pushed him to focus on reading it gave me the ability to read - sneaky but worth it).  I read it and so very much enjoyed it.  I was a quick read (a couple of hours) but worth it.  It showed things from a different perspective from the other book (Outlander) that I read and it had been ages since I read a graphic novel.  That done - hubby and I chatted and then we told my son to get ready for his call time.  Hubby surprised me and took him for me.  I got a chance to write a letter to a friend and start really thinking about the Attach conference in September in Omaha, NE that I will be going to.  Hubby came home and I changed - then he did and we headed to my son's performance.

It was wonderful and we really enjoyed it.  They had a couple of troops of dancers join my son's choir and it was awesome!  We go again to their final performance this afternoon.  We ended up eating at Denny's (which has bug problems - yuck) but did enjoy the food.  Came home and then got my son to unwind and go to bed.

I was still hurting pretty badly so I said I would take my strong meds and hubby agreed to stick around and make sure I was ok.  I hate feeling this way.

As I waited for the meds to work, I went ahead and booked my hotel room and my flight for the conference in September.  I feel bad about spending so much money on a conference - but my hubby reminds me that it is for my future career & our family at the same time.


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