Sunday, May 29, 2011

I got up and took a shower.  I wanted to buy a frame for a piece of art I bought my hubby in September so I could hang it - but the artwork had fallen behidnd the dresser.  Since I had cleaned the garage, I remembered where I found a grabber and I went and got it.  I was able to pull out the dresser enough to grab the artwork with the grabber so I could take it with me and find a good frame.  What was really amazing is this was about 2 feet from my sleeping hubby and he never even woke up.  Then I headed out to go shopping.  First to Pet Smart to get our bird some treats and then to Michaels where frames were on sale so I went to buy a couple of them.

I got everything and came home.  One frame I bought was to replace a broken frame in our living room - so I took the picture down with the broken frame and started to  unwrap the new frame - but the new frame was broken - I decided to go back first thing Monday morning and get it replaced.  So I worked on the piece of artwork - matted it and framed it.  I will hang it on Tuesday when my hubby is at work and surprise him.

When my hubby got up we watched some tv together and talked.  It was so nice to relax.  My mom had my son weeding her back yard and I was in no hurry to do anything.  I read for awhile outside with my hubby.  Eventually we went to bed and enjoyed the fact our son wasn't there and we could have uninterrupted time alone.


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