Friday, May 13, 2011 - Friday the thirteenth and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED - LOL

So I groggily got up and went into work.  I got to spend a bit with my co-worker getting these computers for execs done.  Then one of the engineers and I went to install them.  Lots of cleanup work and both of us being OCD and making sure everything was perfect for Monday.  I stayed a little late trying to get everything cleaned up.  Monday should start off good - everything is ready for the new execs.

I came home, started a load of laundry, did a load of dishes and then pain slowed me down - I hate that my mind and my intentions are so far ahead of my body that balks at everything I do by throwing pain at me.  So I sat down for a bit to watch some tv and catch up on email (if I cannot physically multitask then at least I can mentally multitask) - then my son comes in with a bicycle he found on the sidewalk.  I called my hubby to make sure I was thinking clearly and that we were on the same page - we were  and I called the police to pick up the bike so if it is stolen it has a chance to get back to its owner.  Anyway after I called the police and they said they would send a car to our house to get the bike - I felt like I had to keep cleaning the living room so I started cleaning it again until the doorbell rang and the officer was there.  We filled out a form so if it doesn't get picked up in 90 days we could get it back if we wanted to.

Hubby came home with pizza and we watched Harold and Kumar got to white castle - which was fun and we laughed a lot.  It is kind of nice to have my son nearly 16 where we can watch these things with him.  We had a wonderful evening - and then when they were watching the special features I got really sleepy and went to bed.  It was nice falling asleep to my husband's and son's fits of laughter - we all needed that.


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