Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I forgot to take my benedryl last night and at 6:30am when my alarm went off I had a horrible migrain - I took my migrain meds and slept for another 30 minutes.  I got up and reminded my son again he needed to get up.  Finally he was up and we were out of the house by about 7:30am for his 8:00am appointment.

We got there and it was really just filling out forms and about 8:45am we got called in to talk to a social worker.  She found a time with a therapist at 1:30pm so I had time to get my nails done since it was only a little after 9am.

My son went to a friend's house - I called his cell and said I would pick him up - I was shocked when I got there to find he had taken his bike - luckily my PT Cruiser was able to easily get the bike in and we got there just after 1:30pm.  The therapist came out and saw us - we were done a little after 2pm.  Both my son and I were extremely hot as it was well into the 100s and I stopped to get us food and large sodas.  I dropped him back off at his friend's house and then stopped by the store to get stuff for dinner.  I got home and quickly made dinner and then went to the bedroom and lied down.

The heat really knocks it out of me.  Hubby called and then came home - my son came home on time too.  We had to dawdle a bit until the dinner was ready but then we ate.
This time we did have time to watch History of the World Part I and we all enjoyed it very much.
I had also been working on downloading and setting up a game on my son's computer plus he had bought a game with his Birthday Money - sadly his computer cannot handle the games.  His graphics card and processor are not compatible.  I will have to talk to his dad about that.

It was nearly midnight when I got to bed and I know my poor son was awfully frustrated that he couldn't play video games.


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