Friday, June 3, 2011

Went to work and it was much calmer today.  Got a few things done and then headed out to drive to see my daughter for therapy.  Therapy went well I think and my daughter is doing well - she had a small slide down but the best part is she picked herself up and started to make better choices.  Also the surgeon told her she would not recommend surgery to fix her finger since she was non-compliant on following the last surgery's directions and that is why her finger is messed up again.  As sad as it is for her to not have a working pinky - I think this is natural consequences for refusing to follow directions. 

My son came home but forgot to call me so part of the drive home i was afraid something bad had happened when I couldn't get a hold of him.  But he was in the shower so eventually I did get a hold of him.  He did some home work and then we had Friday Family Pizza Movie Night and that was fun.  It was weird looking at his really short hair but I am getting used to it.

I had him head to bed pretty early since tomorrow is his 16th Birthday Party playing Paintball all day.

I went to bed and my hubby cuddled with me until he got a call from his best friend (ex-girlfriend) - I also have been emailing with her and knew she might be trying to help me with some issues with my hubby so I had him go and chat with her - he did all night but she needed it - I cannot imaging losing someone I intended to spend the rest of my life with - I am glad I can loan her my hubby to help her through this.


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