Sunday, June 26, 2011

I woke up not in pain which is so rare - I felt I was in a dream.  I got up and did a few things - got back in bed and when I got up again - I ran out and got breakfast for my hubby and I.  We sat and ate breakfast and then just spent quality time together.  He did run an errand and got the rest of the things he needed that he didn't get yesterday.  We had Subway for a late lunch as we both had thought that sounded good yesterday.  And just watched tv and relaxed.  We talked and joked and spent a lot of quality time together.  It was so wonderful getting away from the real world and kind of living in our dream state.

We both needed it as our lives felt so crazy lately with stresses of work and such.  It is hard starting a relationship when you already have kids - there is so much less time to really spend together.  I miss my son a lot right now but it is so nice just to have time with my hubby.  Since my soon is 16 and hangs out with us a lot and stays up later and I go to bed earlier - there is very little time we have together that isn't with my son.  So this was a nice break.

This weekend was kind of like a romantic movie and it was really nice just to spend the whole weekend together.  We really connected and were at peace.  Our relationship is always strengthened so much when we get time like this.


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