Continued Transitioning Transformation

Yesterday my hubby flew to another state to have another surgery for his transition from FTM (although he has been living as male for 13 years).  It has been a long process - it has been just over a year since his first lower surgery.

Last night as we talked on the phone he told me that he was thinking of responding to someone in a forum that was very gender dysphoric and was wondering if it was worth having the lower surgery done.  I asked my hubby what he would respond and I was pleasantly surprised to hear that he would tell the person that while it will not "solve" or "fix" the dysphoria it would help.  He said there would be times during the process you would question if it was worth it but in the end it would be better than before.  He told me that he DOES feel better and it is more an absence of things that shouldn't have been there (female parts, holes where they don't belong) than what is there.  He said it is nice not having to have a packer anymore or worrying about sewing it in before going to an airport.  He said it is nicer to not feel "drafts" while going to the bathroom and just feeling like he is more passable.

I know he will never be completely whole or ok with his body but he is finding it more tolerable.  His only big issue is when we are tight on finances - he feels guilty since we have spent so much on it.   I hope as we get ourselves in a better financial situation that problem will go away.  My career is starting to work out, so hopefully we will be ok financially soon.



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