Imbolc - Ground Hog Day - Time to make things happen

Now it is the time of year when we actually start working on our intentions - we plant the seeds - we start actively spending energy to make our seeds of intent grow.

So let's see how I am coming along with each of my intents.

1.  Continue to get healthier and try to get all blood tests into the normal range.
I am back to exercising and now I am doing virtual races which are giving me more incentives.
2.  To increase my speaking and work towards becoming a speaker.
I am probably going to be the pre-license speaker for SVC-CAMFT's Feb training
3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist.
Found a therapy model called Wisdom Path Parenting and it fits me really well.
4.  Start figuring out how to move from Sacramento.
Hubby and I are now actively looking at our options and we both have an idea of what our next steps are.

I feel more energized than I ever have and feel so good physically, mentally and emotionally.  I look forward to see what this year holds for me.

And here is a lovely song about Imbolc.


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