
Showing posts from December, 2015

Old Moon\Full Wolf Moon or Full Moon after Yule or even Ice Moon and this year Christmas Full Moo

A time to look inward and draw up your plans for the year.  A time to remember the importance of family and friends and to make sure you priortize for the year.  Remember self-care. At this time of year I start actively figuring out what I will need for the next year and starting to implement the foundation of what I will be doing. 1.  Continue to get healthier and try to get all blood tests into the normal range. - Increase my walking and set new goals 2.  To increase my speaking and work towards becoming a speaker. - work on speaking in public more often - plan training classes 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. - continue to work with my coach on using my spirituality to guide me. 4.  Start figuring out how to move from Sacramento.  - make a plan to start visiting places - consider actually getting a job somewhere.

Yule \ Winter Solstice

Tonight is Winter Solstice otherwise known as Yule.  My hubby, son and I celebrate it as our main winter holiday.  We still have Christmas stockings on Christmas morning but today is when we each give each other thoughtful or handmade presents. I enjoy Yule because it lets us get away from the hectic Christmas season.  We plan ahead because we know there is not last minute Christmas Eve shopping for us. This year we had 4 - my son, his girlfriend, my hubby and I.  Each of us liked our gifts and were thrilled at how well each of us knew each other. We had a nice dinner and dessert (Yule Log).  It was so nice and relaxing. This is the time of year to start planning how you are going to make your seeds of intent come to fruition.

Forgiveness can free your soul

Forgiveness can free your soul - I have heard this so very often.  A few months ago I chose to go back into therapy to see if I could find a way to forgive my daughter.  Everything came at once - a phone call from a detective about the house break-in and a phone call saying the trial where my daughter is a victim.  This threw me into quite a depression.  Luckily we had a trip to Monterey planned for Thanksgiving weekend and I was really able to relax and let go. I came back and my friend that is having me go through her coaching program did a deep meditation journey with me and I feel like I was really able to forgive my daughter.  I am so much calmer now and thinking about her doesn't upset me like it did before. I hope it lasts - still waiting to hear when I will testify in the trial.