Old Moon\Full Wolf Moon or Full Moon after Yule or even Ice Moon and this year Christmas Full Moo

A time to look inward and draw up your plans for the year.  A time to remember the importance of family and friends and to make sure you priortize for the year.  Remember self-care.

At this time of year I start actively figuring out what I will need for the next year and starting to implement the foundation of what I will be doing.
1.  Continue to get healthier and try to get all blood tests into the normal range. -
Increase my walking and set new goals
2.  To increase my speaking and work towards becoming a speaker. -
work on speaking in public more often - plan training classes
3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. - continue to work with my coach on using my spirituality to guide me.
4.  Start figuring out how to move from Sacramento.  - make a plan to start visiting places - consider actually getting a job somewhere.


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