
Showing posts from June, 2014

Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of Summer - 2014

Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of summer.  This is the longest day of the year and now the nights will lengthen.  This is a time of manifestation.  We are seeing what the hard work on our intentions look like. This year my intentions are: 1.  To continue to become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. 2.  To continue to focus on helping my son into adulthood and being present with him and understanding of his limitations and abilities. 3.  To find a way to become a therapist in the direction in which the Goddess leads me. 4.  To find a way to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her as she goes into adulthood. So 1.  I am becoming my physically healthy. I have now focused on getting my blasted allergies under control and just finished up my weekly shots.  I am seeing a doctor regularly and my blood levels are mostly normal.  I have been working on some female issues but instead of ignoring ...

Full Strawberry Moon

Full Strawberry Moon is also called Rose Moon or Flower Moon.  Called the Full Strawberry Moon in our area because the strawberries are ready to be picked.  It is one of the first harvests of the year.  Like strawberries we start to see the fruits of our labor.  This is a good time to focus on the seedlings that have started to really grow.  In my personal life, this year, my son is turning 19 and going away to work for the summer.  He has really matured and taken on quite a bit of responsibility.  He finished his last semester with a 4.0 and I am very proud of him.  My daughter has had some set backs but has seemed to make some progress and I am seeing some positive growth in our relationship..  I continue to focus on building my therapy practice by networking and advertising and am starting to see some positive growth.