Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of Summer - 2014

Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of summer.  This is the longest day of the year and now the nights will lengthen.  This is a time of manifestation.  We are seeing what the hard work on our intentions look like.

This year my intentions are:
1.  To continue to become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
2.  To continue to focus on helping my son into adulthood and being present with him and understanding of his limitations and abilities.
3.  To find a way to become a therapist in the direction in which the Goddess leads me.
4.  To find a way to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her as she goes into adulthood.
So 1.  I am becoming my physically healthy. I have now focused on getting my blasted allergies under control and just finished up my weekly shots.  I am seeing a doctor regularly and my blood levels are mostly normal.  I have been working on some female issues but instead of ignoring them like I used to, I am being proactive and working with doctors to find a solution. I am much more mentally and emotionally healthy.  I constantly work on myself and allow myself time to process issues instead of stuffing them.  I feel a lot better and hope to continue on this path.

2.  My son has finished his first year of college and the last semester matured faster than I thought possible.  He has so many part time jobs, I hardly see him - but some of those jobs are in the field he wants to work in - so I am really proud of him. 

3.  I am working under a great boss - slowly getting more clients and learning better ways of doing things.  I am enjoyed art at a respite camp this past weekend.  I love that I am helping other parents and enjoying working with the kids.

4. This last one is the hardest - I just got hit with a reality that I did not see coming - I have tried to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her - but last weekend when I came home from teaching art - I came home to a broken in home, a stolen car and a trashed house and I know my daughter is involved.  My heart is broken.  I am wondering if this is a lesson from The Goddess on trusting my daughter too much.  I am struggling to figure out how much contact I can have with her.

As always I know things do not manifest always how is planned and I am trying to sort out how to deal with the new developments with my daughter.


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