
Showing posts from March, 2017

Ostara \ Beginning of Spring

Today, March 19th, is the first day of SPRING!!!! This is what is happening to my seeds of intent: 1.  Continue to work on my health - now looking for a personal trainer 2.  Start balancing my case load so it is not overwhelming - raised my fees and taking more on my gender specialty side. 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist - just letting options open in front of me, 4.  Continue to process letting go of my daughter - did a very intense therapy that has helped. 5.  Be good to myself allowing myself to focus on emotional and then switching to physical not trying both at the same time. 6.  Focus on organizing my life so it allows me to do what I need to do to be good to myself - constantly working on new ways of being organized. I am motivated to keep actively working and creating the picture of my future - I have good days and bad days but the good is outweighing the...

Moving forward

So today I did a lot of self care and keeping the house organized.  This is really helping me feel good. I had a great therapy session and my therapist feels I am much more relaxed.  I feel relaxed too!  I am trying to stay on top of things because I get depressed when I don't.  Here is hoping the rest of today is as good as the first part.


I have been struggling with balancing my life.  I am one of those people who is often an all or very little person.  When I get tired or depressed or my body is hurting, I struggle to do even the basics.  The house gets messy quickly, everything gets backlogged and so forth. But then I get energy back or feel better and suddenly I have a really good day of cleaning and I am able to keep up for a few days or weeks and then I slide back.  I am trying to find the balance - today I am soar because yesterday I cleaned house for 8+ hours - so today I am taking it easier and picking up and keeping things clean but not taking on huge projects. Although I took care of 2 annoying things.   The Master Bath Toilet whistled loudly every time you flushed it so I took care of that and our alarm was telling us the keypad had low batteries so I took care of that.  Let's hope I can keep up with things for a bit.

Full Storm Moon

March rolls in like the proverbial lion, and if we're really lucky, it might go out like a lamb. It's the time of the Storm Moon, the month when Spring finally arrives, around the time of the Equinox , and we see new life begin to spring forth. As the Wheel of the Year turns once more, heavy rains and gray skies abound -- the earth is being showered with the life-giving water it needs to have a fertile and healthy growing season. This is also a time of equal parts light and darkness, and so a time of balance.Depending on where you live, this moon may be called the Seed Moon, Lenten Moon, or Chaste Moon. Polly Taskey at Pagan by Design says , "Anglo-Saxons called it Hraed-monat (rugged month), or Hlyd-monat (stormy month). A stormy March was an omen of poor crops, while a dry March indicated a rich harvest. Some books refer to February as the "Storm Month," however, I find this inaccurate. Where I live, March often IS stormy, and as...