
Showing posts from 2017


I feel like I am just stuck waiting ... waiting to figure out the next part of our lives.  We just have to keep waiting for answers, waiting for people to get in the office, waiting for this or that.  It is scary and hard since we cannot even figure out what our lives will be in a month and we don't know the best answers or what should we do.  Do we pack up and move far away or do we stay and gamble on more than a part time job.  Do we hang on here and plan or will we end up being broke and homeless. 

Full Blood Moon

It's the dark half of the year, and the veil between our world and the spirit world is thin. Focus on divination, communication with departed ancestors, and psychic messages this month. For me this year it is showing me it is time for a lot of changes to happen and we must look inward.

Mabon\Fall Equinox

  This year I am starting to have to deal with some chaos.  I came back from the Priestess Retreat and found my husband is very sick and they don't know exactly what it is.  So here is where I am with my seeds of intent...   1.  Continue to work on my health - kind of have slipped but I am working on my diabetes. 2.  Start balancing my case load so it is not overwhelming - I have figured it out to be much better for me and allow me to work more while stressing less. 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist - with work I am doing a good job on this - I am taking on what is put in my path 4.  Continue to process letting go of my daughter - still trying to let go - making lots of progress. 5.  Be good to myself - trying - I am struggling a bit with depression and being overwhelmed. 6.  Focus on organizing my life so it allows me to do what I need to do to be...

Full Harvest Moon

This a season to celebrate hearth and home. Brew up some comfort food, begin storing your harvest for the winter, and settle in for a month of thanksgiving.   For me this is an important time.  I am about to leave for a priestess retreat and ready to let go of stuff stuff that I have worked through this year.

Full Corn Moon

 Full Corn Moon  is a time to focus on harvesting that which you have already planted - but don't forget, it's important to set some of your harvest aside for the coming winter months. For me it is taking what I have learned and helping myself and my clients better ourselves

Lughnasadh 2017

  Time goes so fast.  It is now Lughnasadh.  We celebrate together as we all work to bring in the harvest. So many things happening.  I have gone to Oregon to see one of my clients.  I will soon be going to Seattle and then Bodega Bay.  So many positives are happening and I am struggling to organize myself.  It will be interesting to see what the harvests are this year. It will be interesting to see how the rest of this year's harvest will be.

Full Hay Moon

The Full Hay Moon is also sometimes called Thunder Moon.  It is the first moon after the Summer Solstice.  As the name implies it is when we can harvest hay.  At this time it is a good to start focusing on what we will do with our harvest and how best to harvest the fruits of our labor.  That last sentence may seem backwards but you must first know what you want to do with your fruits  - to know how to harvest.  For example if something did not work out like you wanted, it might be best to learn from it and use it as fertilizer for the next set of crops.  Maybe the fruit just wasn't so sweet so maybe you will dry it instead of canning it.  This lets you know how you will go about harvesting it. This year I am working hard on getting my health in order so that my harvest will be a healthier me.

Litha 2017 - Summer Solstice - the beginning of summer.

Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of summer.  This is the longest day of the year and now the nights will lengthen.  This is a time of manifestation.  We are seeing what the hard work on our intentions look like. This year my intentions are: My Seeds of Intent 1.  Continue to work on my health - now on insulin and trying to figure out how to keep my blood sugars down - I am going to Rock Steady Boxing and working out 3 days a week. 2.  Start balancing my case load so it is not overwhelming -  managing my clients and my personal life much better 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist - taking on more clients that are on the gender spectrum 4.  Continue to process letting go of my daughter - no longer having panic attacks about her as often 5.  Be good to myself - doing that 6.  Focus on organizing my life so it allows me to do what I need to do ...

Full Strawberry Moon or Full Rose Moon

Full Strawberry Moon is also called Rose Moon or Flower Moon.  Called the Full Strawberry Moon in our area because the strawberries are ready to be picked.  It is one of the first harvests of the year.  Like strawberries we start to see the fruits of our labor.  This is a good time to focus on the seedlings that have started to really grow. In my personal life, this year, I am starting to find myself feeling stronger from working out more.  I am also happier with my life and feel like everything is becoming more organized.  So I will continue to focus on work\life balance and working on my practice.

Full Flower Moon

This moon shares its energy with other May holidays — but it has a deeper meaning, too. Much like the Pagan sabbat Beltane and the more secular May Day , Flower Moon observations revolve around the bounty and beauty of nature this time of year (hence the moon's name). If you wish, you can absolutely spend this lunar phase celebrating nature and keep it as simple as that — after all, just taking a walk can be a full moon ritual. That said, this is also a great time to focus on the changes going on in your personal life, rather than the outside world.   For me this year, it is really learning to take care of myself and look to my future health.  On May 1st I started going to Rock Steady Boxing and it is helping me a lot.

Beltane 2017

Beltane is a time of Expression - it is time to express your intentions.  You have planned and created and now it is time to really work on your intentions.  This year I am seeing the possibilities of my new practice/career and need to keep working on it to make it thrive. My Seeds of Intent 1.  Continue to work on my health Made an appointment with my doctor to work on glucose levels and started Rock Steady Boxing. 2.  Start balancing my case load so it is not overwhelming Turned down a client that would have taken too much energy - accepting more transgender clients. 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist.  Doing more to celebrate the Sabbats and using aromas in the house along with seasonal decorations. 4.  Continue to process letting go of my daughter. Keep working on my emotions. 5.  Be good to myself. Not getting so stressed out when the house is ...

Full Wind or Seed Moon

In April, about halfway through the month, the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside, and the wind picks up which is often why this is called the Wind Moon.  Seeds are being blown about on the breezes, spreading life all around from one place to the next. In fact, this lunar cycle is often known as the Seed Moon. Trees have buds on them, spring daffodils and tulips abound, and the birds are nesting once more. Much like March, this is a time of conception and fertility and new growth. For me, it is just that.  I am starting a lot of new growth.  I have come to peace with my feelings about my daughter and accepting my Parkinson's.  I have found a great program called Rock Steady Boxing that hopefully will help me get to where I want to go.  I will miss the rains and the speed of growth and creation around me, but look forward to working on my seeds of intent and my life.

Ostara \ Beginning of Spring

Today, March 19th, is the first day of SPRING!!!! This is what is happening to my seeds of intent: 1.  Continue to work on my health - now looking for a personal trainer 2.  Start balancing my case load so it is not overwhelming - raised my fees and taking more on my gender specialty side. 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist - just letting options open in front of me, 4.  Continue to process letting go of my daughter - did a very intense therapy that has helped. 5.  Be good to myself allowing myself to focus on emotional and then switching to physical not trying both at the same time. 6.  Focus on organizing my life so it allows me to do what I need to do to be good to myself - constantly working on new ways of being organized. I am motivated to keep actively working and creating the picture of my future - I have good days and bad days but the good is outweighing the...

Moving forward

So today I did a lot of self care and keeping the house organized.  This is really helping me feel good. I had a great therapy session and my therapist feels I am much more relaxed.  I feel relaxed too!  I am trying to stay on top of things because I get depressed when I don't.  Here is hoping the rest of today is as good as the first part.


I have been struggling with balancing my life.  I am one of those people who is often an all or very little person.  When I get tired or depressed or my body is hurting, I struggle to do even the basics.  The house gets messy quickly, everything gets backlogged and so forth. But then I get energy back or feel better and suddenly I have a really good day of cleaning and I am able to keep up for a few days or weeks and then I slide back.  I am trying to find the balance - today I am soar because yesterday I cleaned house for 8+ hours - so today I am taking it easier and picking up and keeping things clean but not taking on huge projects. Although I took care of 2 annoying things.   The Master Bath Toilet whistled loudly every time you flushed it so I took care of that and our alarm was telling us the keypad had low batteries so I took care of that.  Let's hope I can keep up with things for a bit.

Full Storm Moon

March rolls in like the proverbial lion, and if we're really lucky, it might go out like a lamb. It's the time of the Storm Moon, the month when Spring finally arrives, around the time of the Equinox , and we see new life begin to spring forth. As the Wheel of the Year turns once more, heavy rains and gray skies abound -- the earth is being showered with the life-giving water it needs to have a fertile and healthy growing season. This is also a time of equal parts light and darkness, and so a time of balance.Depending on where you live, this moon may be called the Seed Moon, Lenten Moon, or Chaste Moon. Polly Taskey at Pagan by Design says , "Anglo-Saxons called it Hraed-monat (rugged month), or Hlyd-monat (stormy month). A stormy March was an omen of poor crops, while a dry March indicated a rich harvest. Some books refer to February as the "Storm Month," however, I find this inaccurate. Where I live, March often IS stormy, and as...

getting myself organized

So yesterday I managed to start picking up the house and getting organized.  I started walking a bit and am now working on eating better and walking more. I am working on trying to catch up on chores and start catching up on other paperwork.  It is a busy week but I am feeling really good and successful about it. Tomorrow I am going to start adding back my spirituality and meditation.

Restarting AGAIN....

I have such a hard time getting myself on track and keeping myself on track. Today I am restarting again.  I am not going to be down on myself for falling off the being healthy wagon, because I have been trying to be good to myself.  I may not have followed through health wise but I was working on my emotional and mental self.  I have been doing neurofeedback and therapy and trying to get over an annoying cold. Today I am trying to get the house picked up and get some stuff done because I have a really busy work week (which makes me happy as I am really getting my practice off the ground) So here is to a busy and fun week ahead.

Full Snow Moon

This time of year our ancestors struggled to find food, were cold and often struggled to have hope.  This is a good time to focus on what the future holds and to getting through the tough times.  This time of year always seems to be hard for me to get through.  Finances are tough from the holidays, trying to plan for the future and making it through the day, it can be hard to have hope. This is the time of year that I struggle and usually start to find the my seeds of intent are not going to come out the way I thought they would.  But If I focus on doing what seems right to my gut and focus on moving forward in the direction I feel compelled, I find that my path unfolds as it should. This is a full moon that I often ask to be shown the way and even if it seems divergent from my original plans, I follow the path that is shown - it always turns out to be the best path for me.

Finally Catching Up

I fell behind in so many things in my life.  I have been working to keep up again.  I finally got caught up with my billing, my notes and housework.  I am working on trying to stay on top of things so I feel more calm and organized.

Life is this moment now

  I tend to be a person who constantly focuses on the future - so last night I put on this temporary tattoo to try and remind myself to focus on the now.  Today was a tiring day because I was around a lot of people.  I am looking forward to relaxing this evening and weekend.
Now it is the time of year when we actually start working on our intentions - we plant the seeds - we start actively spending energy to make our seeds of intent grow. So let's see how I am coming along with each of my intents. And for this next year I got 6 seeds of intent and they are going to be: 1.  Continue to work on my health I am walking more again - doing neurofeedback in hopes to help my sleep patterns 2.  Start balancing my case load so it is not overwhelming  I am learning to limit my time with my clients and learn to say no. 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. Now I am taking some clients from an agency which allows me to get decent pay and still work with the under-served. 4.  Continue to process letting go of my daughter I am feeling better and better despite struggling on her birthday. 5.  Be good to myself. I am working on not being upset with...

Happy 21st Birthday to My Daughter

It is a hard day for me.  Today is my daughter's 21st birthday.  I can't talk to her.  I don't even know if she is ok.  I hate that we have to have a 5 year no contact order to help both of us heal, but I know we need it.  I so had looked forward to so many things for today.  I am sad that we cannot celebrate her birthday together.  If she sees this - just know - you will always be in my heart.

Full Wolf Moon\ Full Cold Moon

This time of year our ancestors struggled to find food, were cold and often struggled to have hope.  This is a good time to focus on what the future holds and to getting through the tough times.  This time of year always seems to be hard for me to get through.  Finances are tough from the holidays, trying to plan for the future and making it through the day, it can be hard to have hope. This is the time of year that I struggle and usually start to find the my seeds of intent are not going to come out the way I thought they would.  But If I focus on doing what seems right to my gut and focus on moving forward in the direction I feel compelled, I find that my path unfolds as it should. This is a full moon that I often ask to be shown the way and even if it seems divergent from my original plans, I follow the path that is shown - it always turns out to be the best path for me. This year I am learning to be an empty nester - some of it I am thrilled ...