Full Harvest Moon
This is the time we start reaping our harvest. Seeing what we actually gained for all of our hard work. These are my seeds of intend this turn of the wheel: 1. Continue to get healthier and try to get all blood tests into the normal range. 2. To increase my speaking and work towards becoming a speaker. 3. Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. 4. Start figuring out how to move from Sacramento. And I am reaping: 1 I am continuing to eat healthy and to walk. I have had some backsliding but I will get back to where I want to be. 2. I got to speak in front of other therapists about how to work with transgender clients. 3. I am going with the flow knowing that is the path that the Goddess put me on. 4. I am looking into options on how to move away from Sacramento, but realize at this time it will need to be put on hold.