Green Corn Full Moon or Grain Full Moon 2017
Green Corn Full Moon or Grain Full Moon is the 2nd moon after the Summer Solstice. We are in full swing of getting things ready for the harvest. We are harvesting some of our crops and seeing how good our intentions are and getting other crops ready to harvest. Not a lot of time yet to enjoy our bounty as we still have a lot to do - but we are starting to see what our hard work has given us. For me, I am enjoying my son's maturation and independence - he moved out and yet he does come by to see us. He is also taking a road trip with his girlfriend and I am so proud he is able to do that. I am enjoying and loving my career and being my authentic self. Coming up with more ideas for my practice and starting to feel better about the direction of my health. I am try to only look at this moment and near future and not obsess about the far future. Hopefully the harvest will be good.