
Showing posts from June, 2016

Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of Summer 2016

Litha - Summer Solstice - The Beginning of summer.  This is the longest day of the year and now the nights will lengthen.  This is a time of manifestation.  We are seeing what the hard work on our intentions look like. This year my intentions are: My Seeds of Intent1.  Continue to get healthier and try to get all blood tests into the normal range. Getting closer to doing that - my blood work is coming back closer to normal.  Taking care of health issues as they arise. 2.  To increase my speaking and work towards becoming a speaker. Continue to volunteer to speak at SVC-CAMFT and for training on LGBTQ 3.  Continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. Following my heart, working with clients, doing more Transgender work - figuring out the best way to handle certain situations. 4.  Start figuring out how to move from Sacramento. Going to visit OR at the end of July to see...

Full Hay Moon

The Full Hay Moon is also sometimes called Thunder Moon.  It is the first moon after the Summer Solstice or in this case on the Summer Solstice.  As the name implies it is when we can harvest hay.  At this time it is a good to start focusing on what we will do with our harvest and how best to harvest the fruits of our labor.  That last sentence may seem backwards but you must first know what you want to do with your fruits  - to know how to harvest.  For example if something did not work out like you wanted, it might be best to learn from it and use it as fertilizer for the next set of crops.  Maybe the fruit just wasn't so sweet so maybe you will dry it instead of canning it.  This lets you know how you will go about harvesting it.   I am having time to think and to start figuring out what and how I want to do with my career, my future and path.  I know I want to live closer to the ocean so I am working to see how I can...