
Showing posts from August, 2015

Full Harvest of Fruit Moon

This is the time we start reaping our harvest.  Seeing what we actually gained for all of our hard work.  These are my seeds of intend this turn of the wheel: 1.  To walk more 2.  To make sure I do self-care 3.  To pass my licensing exams 4.  To find a way to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her. 5.  To continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. And I am reaping: 1. I am walking more - over 500,000 steps in just over a month - I am using my fitbit and really pushing myself to get more and more steps in. 2. I have changed my eating habits and am meditating more and now am embarking on wisdom chair coaching. 3. I passed my licensing exams! 4. I have continued to be a cheerleader for my daughter and am not enabling her.  It is hard and I worry a lot - I think I am going to go to a therapist to continue working on my personal issues with my daughter. 5....

So many emotions

I spent last week at the Gender Odyssey Conference.  It was amazing, humbling and very emotional. I have so many things I am still trying to grasp. My daughter also contacted me while I was at the conference and actually was in a mental health facility trying to remain sober. So spending the day listening to loving and supporting your child no matter what and then talking my daughter and trying to apply the same concepts to my relationship with her.  So much to process. I think I will be adding to this one post for awhile as I process the emotions. I am waiting to hear back from my daughter re: whether he relapse yesterday is going to cause her to get kicked out.  So hard to just let go and yet hold my arms open. ********************** update Tuesday, August 25 2015 - it seems that my daughter has left the facility based on her FB posts. I have decided to try to seek therapy because this is just to much - I need to work through these emotions and I am just a me...

ordering new clothes

So I have been working hard at this new way of eating (very low carb) and I thought some of my clothes were loose - well it seems I have lost 5 inches off both my bust and my hips - so I ordered some new clothes yesterday - soon they will come in and see how they fit.  I had been ordering 3x and this time it will be XL - I am nervous but excited at the idea of being 2 sizes smaller.

and my heart breaks...

" HI, mom I got outta jail at 4am on Fri morning. I plead guilty to all my charges n only served out the rest of my time n have to complete a year probation sooo basically I'm cleared for all the law shit I have some fines to pay but things in the streets for me ain't lookin good at all most likely I'll end up dead. I love u n would give anything for a hug and for u to tell me u love me I just want to hear my mom's voice in person."   and then: " I love n miss u too you'll be in my heart....always!"  (which is from the Lion King)   my heart breaks - I wish I could really help her but every time I have tried to help her, but it never works out.  I just want my little girl to be safe and happy not be barely surviving on the street.

worried and wondering

I know my daughter got out of jail yesterday.  She hasn't called me or popped onto facebook.  I am worried about her and wondering what had happened when she called me to get help for her at that address.  I hope she is making better choices and pray she is going to be ok.  I guess a mother will always be worried.

Another step towards self healing

So today I went to the dermatologist to look into what I can do to take the dark spiderweb veins off my face.  They have scheduled my first procedure to do laser to help lighten the veins and we will see how well it works.  I am excited to remove what sometimes is a conversation piece on my face.  It sucks to have people ask what is wrong with my face or what happened when all it is - is a lot of veins that show throw my skin - only really thick makeup covers it so it will be nice if they lighten up a bit.

worries, positives, and life in general

So my worries about my daughter continued and were proved true.  I still don't know what exactly was going on and who knows if I ever will. 9:30pm I get a phone call but I just missed it.  It was an area code that I figured would be my daughter.  I called the number back and get dead air and then hung up on. Then I get a txt from that number saying can u send   - I txted back asking what do you want me to send.  She sent back NVM (never mind) a few more texts back and forth with her stating nvm and me asking questions - to the question are you ok I got a no back.  10:15pm I get another phone call - it is my daughter she said send help to (and gave the address) and then she hung up. I tried calling PD non-emergency number for that city and got no answer I then called 911 and eventually they transferred me to that city's CHP - they said it would be handled by the Sheriff Dept but then the call dropped. I then called that particular Sheriff Dept's ...


So on Monday my daughter called me - she then disconnected and I couldn't get back in touch with her - she said she would call back - it is now Wednesday and I haven't heard from her and she doesn't seem to have been online.  A mom always worries - I hope she is ok and nothing has happened.  I wish I could not worry as much but I guess it comes with the mom territory.

Fresh take on Food

I have come back inspired by the food on the cruise.  I realized that low carb food can be very tasty.  I have since found the wonders of dry rub chicken and have found many new flavorful salads. Last night my son's girlfriend brought us crockneck squash and tomatoes from her mom's garden which I made into a lovely dish. I am doing a fresh take on food and finding very fresh ingredients really do make a difference.

Being Safe or too Suspicious?

So this morning my daughter called me.  She said she was just checking in but wanted to talk to me more  I tried to find out what is going on and sh gave me some letters and numbers and hung up.  I feel so suspicious and worried.  I never know if being super suspicious of everything she says or does is a good thing and just being safe or if I should just trust her.  My trust has been broken many times but does that make her worse around me because I don't trust her?  I just don't know.

Lughnasadh or Lammas

  Time goes so fast.  It is now Lughnasadh.  We celebrate together as we all work to bring in the harvest.  This year my harvest has just started coming in and finally it is positive.  We were able to take a Alaskan Cruise in July.  As of August 1st I have a part time job (something I have been basically doing anyway that now I will get paid for).  My son is doing well and starting his 3rd year of college. I am licensed and loving my new clients.  Hoping to start to get on insurance boards sometimes soon. It will be interesting to see how the rest of this year's harvest will be.