Ostara - First Day of Spring
Today, March 20th, is the first day of SPRING!!!!
This is what is happening to my seeds of intent:
1. To walk more - this has been on hold because I have severe pain in my foot.
2. To make sure I do self-care - I have been going out with friends and making sure I have fun and read enjoyable books more.
3. To pass my licensing exams - I passed my 1st exam and am waiting for approval to schedule my final exam.
4. To find a way to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her - I have been saying no to her and not trying to contact her. I am letting go emotionally.
5. To continue to follow the path the Goddess has put in front of me especially when it comes to being a therapist. - I get to stay in the office where I am and get guidance from my awesome supervisor.
So many new things on the horizon - I am excited for the future - oh and I will be taking a cruise to Alaska with my hubby and parents in the summer.
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