How do I move on?

Another night of nightmares.  How do I move on?  I have so much anger and hurt towards what my daughter did to us.  No closure.  She does not seem to care how much she hurt us or what it cost us or how much work we had to do to try to recover.  She just lives her life.  While as a therapist I understand how her brain works and she is just unable to really take ownership of her behaviors nor really have empathy as to what damage she causes - the mom in me hurts so bad that I trusted her and was working with her to try and give her a good chance at life and she would do this to me.

This is one of those things that really hurts.  She wrote this message on Facebook after she broke into my house and trashed it and then stole my car and drove, using my stolen credit card to get gas and to buy Starbucks gift cards.  That she can write this while actually hurting me - hurts me even worse.

Then a couple of days later she writes this.  Despite the fact she left lots of evidence, she would continue to claim innocence with me until 2 weeks ago when she said I was smart she knew I would figure it out.

If I hadn't walked into my destroyed house and saw her shoes sitting right there - I wouldn't have automatically thought of her - also she knew where I hid the extra set of keys to the car she stole (which has one of those electronic chip car keys).  It just is so frustrating.  And when she admitted to it on the phone with me, she really didn't seem to care or get how much it hurt - it was still that I owed her for something.

How do I move on?  I wish I knew.


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